Tuesday 4 September 2012

Night before Dawn

With almost all the assignments and exams over, it feels as though we will earn our well deserved breaks very soon!! :) These past few days, my whole body clock has been reversed 180 degrees. But I do find some silver lining working overnight the past 2 times~

Perhaps after all this we can actually talk, stroll, pool and hang out together again :)
To think that after this week, we will be off to different places only to gather again for the next half of the semester. Sometimes it seems like that time is passing by very quickly as everything have just begun. But other times, you would worry about how the next 6 weeks, or 2 and a half years would be like after all the revelations that has already happened or the fact that we see each other every day that would inevitably lead to boredom or drifting apart.

But as Christie said, you would mumble anything and make it sound deep if you are up late into the night xD

Then again, there is so much more things we havent done together and places to explore in Canberra. Maybe up until the day we leave for mid-sem break we may have some fun at civic :P

Crappy blog in the middle of night lol better than none la

- Chris T.

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