Monday 17 September 2012

Hi Again

In Sydney ATM lol not that any of you didnt know

Almost been a week since I left Canberra and it already seemed as though time flies! Hmmm I guess it been quite an eventful trip so far. Dont really know how to begin telling you guys or in fact, Im not sure if there is anything worth telling.

It seems as though u guys have been through a lot since we last saw each other too.

One of the most prominent thing I discovered over the past few days that I have way too much and yet I'm not as satisfied as I should be. For example, I got a new laptop and other peripherals which are absolutely more than what average people have or atleast those of my age. Yet, I do not feel the slightest satisfaction or gratitude that should be felt. Sure, I got them with my own money and had to give up getting other things for it, but instead of feeling happy, I wanted more xD Surely, I would need to be a millionaire to satisfy my wants atm... But I guess I will get over this phase soon enough :)

As for the release of mid sem results, all I can say is that I laughed when I saw it and know that there is always room for my to get HD in the final exams. I am satisfied with the result with the amount of effort I put so all is well~

If you guys actually update this more often, that means u Michael, the so will I~

- Chris T.

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