Monday 17 September 2012

Hi Again

In Sydney ATM lol not that any of you didnt know

Almost been a week since I left Canberra and it already seemed as though time flies! Hmmm I guess it been quite an eventful trip so far. Dont really know how to begin telling you guys or in fact, Im not sure if there is anything worth telling.

It seems as though u guys have been through a lot since we last saw each other too.

One of the most prominent thing I discovered over the past few days that I have way too much and yet I'm not as satisfied as I should be. For example, I got a new laptop and other peripherals which are absolutely more than what average people have or atleast those of my age. Yet, I do not feel the slightest satisfaction or gratitude that should be felt. Sure, I got them with my own money and had to give up getting other things for it, but instead of feeling happy, I wanted more xD Surely, I would need to be a millionaire to satisfy my wants atm... But I guess I will get over this phase soon enough :)

As for the release of mid sem results, all I can say is that I laughed when I saw it and know that there is always room for my to get HD in the final exams. I am satisfied with the result with the amount of effort I put so all is well~

If you guys actually update this more often, that means u Michael, the so will I~

- Chris T.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

To think that after tomorrow, everything will be cleared is a very mesmerizing thought. I would like to think of it as the end of a heavy rain. Washing away all the diseases, stress, pressure and worries: finally able to go outside and breath the fresh air Canberra has to offer.

Must we really update this blog everyday? Perhaps I will write all the important things, the things you guys want to read from the blog of mine, in a book. And I will give it to you when I leave.

Hope we can get the exam over with with flying colours~

= Chris T.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Night before Dawn

With almost all the assignments and exams over, it feels as though we will earn our well deserved breaks very soon!! :) These past few days, my whole body clock has been reversed 180 degrees. But I do find some silver lining working overnight the past 2 times~

Perhaps after all this we can actually talk, stroll, pool and hang out together again :)
To think that after this week, we will be off to different places only to gather again for the next half of the semester. Sometimes it seems like that time is passing by very quickly as everything have just begun. But other times, you would worry about how the next 6 weeks, or 2 and a half years would be like after all the revelations that has already happened or the fact that we see each other every day that would inevitably lead to boredom or drifting apart.

But as Christie said, you would mumble anything and make it sound deep if you are up late into the night xD

Then again, there is so much more things we havent done together and places to explore in Canberra. Maybe up until the day we leave for mid-sem break we may have some fun at civic :P

Crappy blog in the middle of night lol better than none la

- Chris T.

Sunday 2 September 2012


It has been a over a week, 6 days to the rest of us, since you two started dating and the changes it brought seems ever more apparent. Not that I'm complaining of course.

Although it is unorthodox to say that you are lucky to have been sick, I thought there couldn't have been a better moment for you to have fallen ill. I do not think I need to elaborate on the reasoning of that statement but it does affect my ability to observe, as a third person, the changes it has brought upon us. 

I do see the effort you guys put into trying to make this normal for me and I do appreciate that. But at times, the look in your eyes gave it away. What I see in Christie's eyes is sorrow, perhaps knowing that it is now different and that it just doesn't seem to work out just as you hoped it did. From Michael's eyes... well, its very hard to tell from your eyes because they always seem the same to me. But I can tell from your smile that you are now a happier man. 

Either way, we are all too busy these days to know what is normal so don't worry guys, we still have some time before we temporarily part ways and bond just like before.

Good luck to our exams guys!!

Saturday 1 September 2012


A week from now, I may be in Sydney once again. Once again, I feel like as though I have gone through yet another life changing adventure and then return home to tell everyone about it. I feel like an adventurer, to go back to my village and tell all those who stayed behind what it was like in the New World. Looking at their fascinated faces, you can't help but smile and tell them how fantastic your journey has been, and luckily, that is exactly how it turned out. 

I'm sure they will ask whether I want to transfer back. I would like to tell them I have an answer to that but I don't know. Perhaps, a better question would be how much I am willing to sacrifice for someone. Sure, going back would bring me status, wealth, more friends, a better living environment, a healthier life, more resources and options and a chance to start a relationship; there isn't much that is holding me back. However, being a person not fond of changes, as I believe there is to be a purpose or lesson to be learnt in every detour or road trip of my life, I am not sure if now is the time to hang up my boots and settle down for a while. Actually, its more like Batman attempting to make the jump in order to return to Gotham City. Knowing that I may completely lose my Law degree, my friends and all that I have here just to go give it a shot. Having such parallels to Batman does make me sound very heroic indeed. :P

So I guess from now until my jump, I will have to train myself to be the very best to face the challenges ahead. Actually, now that I think about it, this really seems like The Dark Knight Rises, except I couldn't find anyone I know to be Bane. So from now on, you guys can call me Batman, Bruce Wayne in public. Just kidding, I don't want to be named after someone else lol

So yea, this little trip back to Sydney is going to be an interesting expedition. If it all goes well, I wont need to fake my death and bump into you guys in a cafe far far away :P

- Chris T.