Saturday 25 August 2012

Hi :)

Well who would have thought I would have ever made a blog? xD
So instead of partying and drinking, my uni-life is filled with blogs, night talks and healthy activities haha 

5 weeks into Uni, things have been wonderful. Ace-ing all my Quizzes, made friends with great people with their own stories, eating healthily xD and finally picking up my tennis skills again!! Of all the people I met, there are 4 whom are the closest :) It has been mentioned over and over again how lucky we are to meet eachother haha It is really frightening sometimes how much we rely on eachother though as we have been talking deep into the night since week 2 and have been continuing this tradition til now. But there will always be room for more friendship :P

Hearing from my friends in UNSW,  it seems that living on campus really makes a difference on the eventfulness of you life. They have been complaining about the lack of fun, new friends and the increase in workload which makes me secretly more content about my life here in ANU :) 

There has been so much variables the past few months that ultimately placed me in ANU for the time being. However, I am glad to say that it has been an unforgettable experience this past month, especially thanks to my friends. The creation of this combined blog shows just how much they are affecting my life now =.=" 

Anyways, I leave more to talk about next time. 
I wonder if this blog says when this post is posted...
Today is the 25th of August, 2012 just to be sure :)

- Chris T.

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