Wednesday 29 August 2012

You 2

You guys are officially the worst blogging buddies!!
Seriously, you 2 tell me "Oh, I read your blog today" as though it is an achievement or something and then I would go "Oh, I would have read your blog if you wrote anything on it!!"
You guys are lucky you got tonnes of food to share tomorrow night, otherwise I might have post random stuff on you 2's blog :P
It seems things have become much more simple and happy just like the beginning of us, without all the messy things you guys are throwing at each other with me in the middle of the snowfield.

You know what? I won't write anything meaningful until you 2 start blogging again!!

Anyways, hope you get well soon la Christie and seriously get those Butter Menthols!!
And I'm having atleast half of that watermelon Michael!!

- Chris T.

Tuesday 28 August 2012


There isn't any day quite like today. 

It all started with a tiny, yellow post-it note stuck onto my dorm room door. It contained a verse and a warm message from a dear friend. A gentle reminder that I will always have my back covered but little did I know, it signifies the start of an extraordinary day.

Still dazed by a half remembered dream and the thoughtful memo, I found my phone vibrating with a familiar name appearing on the screen. Answering the call without hesitation, I was invited to meet my comrade for a chat ASAP before my first class. Upon examining the notifications on my phone, it appears that two other close friends of mine tried to reach me for a similar agenda. Just as I was about to give up attempting to make sense of the bizarre string of events, a new, unread message popped up. It brought about a revelation I did not anticipate to unfold so swiftly, so unexpectedly. It was an announcement that I know will forever change our lives as we know it, no matter how much we attempt to deny or strive to regress the consequences of fate. Fully equipped with that knowledge, I packed my bag, readying myself for an inevitable and bewildering detour of my uni life. 

I will not bore you with the details of the individual encounters for the supposedly joyous matter, however, it was the attitude of you, my friends, that really surprised me. I discovered through the hidden intentions of my friend that he truly treats me as a brother in heart, a friend who would rather keep all her worries to herself than to reveal how upset and scared she is to me and a formerly nonchalant friend who slowly melts away her coldness and reveals her more thoughtful and caring side.

A day of revelations unfolding after one another... It is like flowers along our path opening up to a Spring morning after the end of the Winter night. I hope you guys will blossom beautifully and magnificently under the gentle sunlight indefinitely knowing that I'm always there as a cloud, unaffected by your growth but aloft to complete the picture.

- Chris T.

Monday 27 August 2012

Start of a new week

Can't believe its Week 6 already!!
All of you seem a little bit different today lol
The fact that I'm the only one who blogged today further proves my observation xD

Oh boy....
Just discovered something that made me chuckle and realised what we are all in for :P
Maybe I will tell you guys about it this thursday xD

Good Luck to our test tmr!!

- Chris T.

Sunday 26 August 2012

1 Day

1 day, 24 hours by myself isn’t something you would expect to experience while living in a hall. As unlikely as it is, so much has happened since I last saw you guys. After contemplating over the new-found knowledge of this past day, I realized that I have yet to apply for UAC. Unfortunately, it is very typical of me to find solutions to a problem instead of taking a step back and review the whole situation. After all, it is the result that matters the most. Therefore, I have until the release of UAC offers to get a hold of everything happening here.

Perhaps it’s because I always seem to be carefree and quick-witted that you wouldn’t expect to find me preoccupied in thoughts (hence you guys always entrust me with issues). But when I do, I would look more lost than when I take off my glasses.
Anyways, thanks for continuously bothering me during our today guys, otherwise, I wouldn’t have stepped on duck shit and realize it too  :)

- Chris T.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Hi :)

Well who would have thought I would have ever made a blog? xD
So instead of partying and drinking, my uni-life is filled with blogs, night talks and healthy activities haha 

5 weeks into Uni, things have been wonderful. Ace-ing all my Quizzes, made friends with great people with their own stories, eating healthily xD and finally picking up my tennis skills again!! Of all the people I met, there are 4 whom are the closest :) It has been mentioned over and over again how lucky we are to meet eachother haha It is really frightening sometimes how much we rely on eachother though as we have been talking deep into the night since week 2 and have been continuing this tradition til now. But there will always be room for more friendship :P

Hearing from my friends in UNSW,  it seems that living on campus really makes a difference on the eventfulness of you life. They have been complaining about the lack of fun, new friends and the increase in workload which makes me secretly more content about my life here in ANU :) 

There has been so much variables the past few months that ultimately placed me in ANU for the time being. However, I am glad to say that it has been an unforgettable experience this past month, especially thanks to my friends. The creation of this combined blog shows just how much they are affecting my life now =.=" 

Anyways, I leave more to talk about next time. 
I wonder if this blog says when this post is posted...
Today is the 25th of August, 2012 just to be sure :)

- Chris T.